Forms and rules


  • Tutte le richieste di acquisto, firmate digitalmente e complete degli allegati Calcolo analitico di spesaAutocertificazione O.E. (con Nomina responsabile trattamento dati se pervenuta)DUVRI (ev.) dovranno essere inviate a:
  • Forms for purchases on PNRR projects: contact the DICEA Administrative Office indicating the project

 Request for the acquisition of goods and services

 Request for the acquisition of goods and services Department of Excellence

 All. 1 Analytical expense calculation

All. 2 Economic Operator Self-Certification Form

Conference Registration Request

 DICEA Credit Card Purchase Request

Economic Fund
  • Up to €100 + VAT: RECEIPT OR RECEIPT;
  • over €100 + VAT and up to €1,000 + VAT: ELECTRONIC INVOICE (in this case pay only the taxable amount);
  • if paying in cash: check for possible rounding;
  • do not include invoices and receipts in the request (the invoices stand alone);
  • do not indicate different types of projects (only RSA or only Dept. Research or only Agreements, etc.);
  • timeliness in submitting the refund request in the case of an invoice

 DICEA economic fund form (small expenses)

  • If the invoice under €100 + VAT has not been correctly made out to the Polytechnic University of Marche (with insertion of VAT number 00382520427), but to the natural person who made the purchase, it is necessary to prepare and sign the Declaration of having purchased on behalf of UNIVPM-DICEA, at the same time as the request for reimbursement on the Economale Fund


External tasks
  • For assignments subject to authorization the signature of the Director is required, therefore please send the duly completed and signed form to the address: . The Administrative Office will be responsible for managing the authorization procedure.
  • For assignments not subject to authorization it is possible to independently send the digitally signed communication to the Teaching and Research Staff Career Management Office (, by Cc and .

 Request for authorization to assign an external assignment

 Communication of external activity not subject to authorisations

Department rooms

Key request

Check-list for changing space use

For access to LABORATORIES, please consult the security section >>


Go to the Regulations section to view the regulations for missions and travel. Mission requests must be sent to and submitted in hard copy to the administration office for the director’s signature.

Annex 1 – Template for supervision of external activities

Annex – Safety and transportation of equipment (only PTA)

 Mission Authorisation Request

 Travel Authorisation Request

 Request for advance refund of Mission