The Hydraulics area group of DICEA is the direct heir of the former Institute of Hydraulics, which has been active at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Ancona since the 1970s. The group currently consists of about fifteen people, with expertise and experience in the fields of Hydraulics, Bio-Fluid Dynamics, Hydraulic Engineering, Fluvial Engineering, Maritime Engineering, Coastal Engineering and Offshore Engineering.
The group carries out teaching, research and support activities and/or collaboration with external organisations and companies operating or with interests in the hydraulics sector.
The teaching activity covers courses in Hydraulics, Environmental Hydraulics, Bio-Fluid Dynamics, Fundamentals of Hydraulics for Marine Engineering, Hydraulics for the Energy Harvesting, Hydraulic Construction, Hydraulic Land Protection, Hydraulic Construction 2, Hydraulic Construction for Building Construction, Management and Maintenance of Hydraulic Systems, Hydraulic Engineering and Renewable Energy, Maritime Construction, Coastal Engineering for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields.
The research group in the Hydraulics area works mainly in Fluid Mechanics, Biofluid Dynamics, Environmental Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Fluvial Constructions, and Maritime, Coastal and Offshore Hydraulics and Engineering.
With regard to external collaborations, some of the main national and international organisations/companies with which relations were established are highlighted:
The Hydraulics research group operates mainly in the following fields: Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Hydraulics, Hydraulic Construction, Maritime Hydraulics, Maritime Construction, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Fluvial Hydraulics, Biofluid Dynamics. The main activities are related to: