The event, promoted by Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Construction and Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICEA) in cooperation with the Danish Architecture Center (DAC), and supported by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Institute of CUItUre in Copenhagen, aims at a comparative study on the coastal landscapes at risk in Copenhagen and Marche Region. The event is inspired by the research presented at the exhibition “Coastal Imaginaries” curated by Josephine Michau at the Architecture Biennale in Venice 2023, focused on the coastline identity of Denmark, a critical border between land and ocean for the raising sea level. “Setting out to be a laboratory of hope in the midst of universal hopelessness, Coastal Imaginaries offers a catalogue of proposals for a coastal future grounded in seven nature-based principles”. The raising sea level and the growing risk of flooding calls for research on the defense of the coasts, to be considered a CUItUraI landscape of high valUe, in Denmark and Italy. Like the Danish coasts, the Marche region is a significant observatory that can provide inspiration for a comparison of future scenarios. It is therefore proposed a comparative analysis of coastal flood scenarios which, for the Marche region, were developed within the Adriaclim project (Italy-Croatia INTERREG). Danish research explores future defense scenarios “toward a re-enchantment with natural ecologies,” a theme that will also be addressed in the upcoming exhibition “Water is Coming,” opening at the DAC in Copenhagen in October 2024.