FAB-HUB is a new manufacturing and 3D printing laboratory for the creation of architectural and urban models and small structures in wood, metal and other materials. It supports the research and training activity of DICEA, offering itself as a point of excellence for the creation of innovation and the advancement of development in multiple design scales and fields: from the more specifically architectural, technological, structural and industrial design to urban design.
Innovative projects for a realistic reproduction of buildings, monuments scanned with laser, city skylines, objects and architectural, structural and technological details. Students benefit from the lab equipment, creating their scale building models with different materials such as polymers, clay, wood, silicone, metal. The available technologies expand the possibilities of investigation and advancement in this research field.
Prof. Gianluigi Mondaini (scientific director)
Prof. Paolo Bonvini (head of the laboratory)
Floriano Capponi (technical contact)