Non intrusive and real-time building diagnostic systems

Prevention of structural damages in buildings is critical to not affect their operation, serviceability or safety reliability features. For that purpose, a non intrusive, real-time structural health monitoring system for tracking the symptoms of operational incidents and deterioration is under development. The whole system has been devised on the basis of a modular design concept, made up of sensors, data acquisition and transmission, data management and structural health evaluation modules.

The system has been conceived for real-time acquisition and health evaluation; in addition, it has been designed to be easily deployed throughout buildings, thanks to the complete absence of cabling (full wireless).


Performed tests have shown that this system, equipped with low-cost tilt sensors, is adequate to monitor in real time reinforced concrete and masonry structures. The system is currently being expanded with complementary sensor typologies.

Working Group
Alessandro Carbonari, Berardo Naticchia, Mario De Grassi, Massimo Vaccarini, Angelo Biscotti, Federico Robuffo