Automated management systems for real-time monitoring and control


Production facilities in construction require feedback control to measure the performances obtained and possible variations from scheduling. However industrial techniques cannot be applied as they are, because of the unique nature of construction commitments, which are managed according to ad-hoc schedules involving several companies, which need continuous updating of “as built” drawings, with respect to what planned. Hence specific control logics based on low invasive and harsh environment resistant monitoring systems are under development, in order to obtain a hardware and software platform, that will be able to perform the following tasks: real time measuring labour productivity, through continuous checking of resource locations and scheduled plan; automatic control of materials ordering and stock management, through real time systems for data acquisition; remote control of work progress.

Working Group
Alessandro Carbonari, Berardo Naticchia, Mario De Grassi, Angelo Biscotti, Federico Robuffo, Martino Tartaglia