Andrea Grilli

Andrea Grilli

+39 071 220 4780


Scopus Author ID: 24467906500

Andrea Grilli is in charge as laboratory manager at the Transport and Road Research Laboratory of the DICEA department (Polytechnic University of Marche) since 2023. He is qualified for a position as Associate Professor in the sector 08/A3 – ICAR/04 Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti (articolo 16, legge n. 240, 30 Dicembre 2010) for the period: 02/04/2014-02/04/2020 and 08/01/2020-08/01/2029. He is co-leader of the Task Group 1 “Performance based evaluation of cold recycled asphalt mixtures” (RILEM 308-PAR) since 2023. Prior to that, he was appointed as Assistant Professor in 2010 at the University of the Republic of San Marino (San Marino, Republic of San Marino), where upgraded as Associate Professor in 2019. He also worked as a lecturer at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Modena, Italy) in the period 2010-19. At the University of the Republic of San Marino, he was the founder and director of the Research Center ERMES “Efficient Road Management and Eco-Sustainable Solution” in the period 2020-23; deputy director of the master’s degree programme in Civil Engineering from 2020 to 2023 and Rector’s delegate for research activities from 2021 to 2023. He joined the editorial board of the International Journal on “Advances in Materials Science and Engineering” as Academic Editor in 2022. He is the author of numerous publications including scientific papers, technical notes, books and patents. His main research interests include eco-sustainable techniques for road construction and smart management system of road maintenance.”