Advanced Modeling and Analysis of Traffic Speed Deflectometer for Pavement Condition Evaluation

19 luglio 2024 ore 10:00 – Aula ST2 “Giannini” – Dip. ICEA Area Strade

Prof. Hao Wang, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Traffic speed deflectometer (TSD) provides an efficient way for evaluating pavement condition.
It is important to understand the uncertainties of data collection and develop cost-effective use
of TSD measurements for decision making. This presentation will focus on advanced modeling
and analysis of TSD on flexible pavements in four aspects: 1) the relationship between
pavement responses under stationary and moving tire loading; 2) the impact of dynamic
loading due to pavement roughness on TSD measurements of deflection velocity and
deflection; 3) the backcalculation of pavement modulus; and 4) the prediction of critical strains
from TSD measurements. The application of TSD for project level pavement design and
network level pavement management will be discussed.